I came into Penn State with 25 credits, which is 3 credits away from sophomore status. This means that I would have a little bit of extra time to deal with while I’m here. Naturally, I considered pursuing a minor. Of the 25 credits that I have, 9 of these credits are in history. So, I considered pursuing a history minor which lead me to follow the MinorQuest to understand what the heck I’d have to do in order to achieve this goal. Turns out that I am already halfway through the requirements. You need to have 12 credits of non-400 level HIST courses. I already have 9 of those. Since I scheduled Monday I was able to get the last seat in my final non-400 HIST, HIST 100 Ancient Greece. Since I will be in semester standing 3 next semester, I will only be 2 completed semester away from taking 1 of the 2 400 level courses that are required for the minor. This exploration was by far the most informative.